Cordova Backbone.js Boilerplate

A project template for Cordova applications with Backbone.js

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Cordova Backbone boilerplate

This is a project template for Cordova projects with Backbone. It has a simple build system with Grunt and uses Backbone, jQuery, underscore, Sass, Mocha and Chai.


Clone the repository and install required dependencies:

% npm install

To use the Grunt CLI you need to install it globally:

% npm install -g grunt-cli

Now you can serve the project on a local development server for browser development:

% grunt serve


You can use these Grunt tasks:

  • serve: build the project, watch for changes and serve on a local web server for local browser development. Live Reload is enabled.
  • build: prepare all files in ./www, including concatenated javascripts, compiled Sass stylesheets, optimised images and any static HTML files. Only changed files are updated. Before all this, runs jshint.
  • rebuild: same as build but runs clean first.
  • clean: removes the entire output directory.
  • jshint: check for linting errors in javascript source files.

NPM provides the following tasks:

  • test: run the Mocha test suite (from ./test)

Finally, you can use any Cordova commands to run or emulate the project. See cordova -h for more information.