With a static site generator like Nanoc, you no longer have to worry about back-end performance. But there are front-end gains to be made. the nanoc-cachebuster gems you make the most of client-side caching by allowing far-future expiration dates, while making it easy for you to deploy changes.

The problem

Client-side caching reduces the amount of data the client has to download. All the server has to do is tell the client that a requested file has not changed since the last time he downloaded it, using far-future expiration dates.

But setting a far-future expires header has a downside. When the client ‘permanently’ caches a file, you as the developer cannot push changes anymore. Since there is no way to tell the client that this time the file has changed, the only option is to use a different file altogether.

We could mimick using a different file by appending a query string to our URL. It sounds smart, but some proxies will actually not cache these supposedly dynamic files at all. So, we simply need to update the filename itself.

We could use version numbers, but that is too much of a hassle. I prefer including a hash of the file in its filename – so that every time the content changes, the filename changes. And when the filename changes, the URL changes, effectively flushing the client’s cache.



nanoc-cachebuster is a Ruby gem that extends Nanoc, so make sure you’ve got those set up and ready to go first. It should work fine with both Ruby 1.8 and Ruby 1.9. Simply install the gem from rubygems.org:

$ gem install nanoc-cachebuster

Load it in your project

To use nanoc-cachebuster in your static site project, it is probably best to require and include it in your ./lib/default.rb file:

require 'nanoc/cachebuster'
include Nanoc::Helpers::CacheBusting

Usage in your Rules file

You can now use the #cachebust? and #fingerprint helper methods in your Rules file to determine whether to cachebust a file, and get its contents-based hash:

route '/styles/' do
  item.identifier.chop + fingerprint(item[:filename]) + '.' + item[:extension]

This example will rewrite styles.css to something like styles-cb18cc7a9df.css in your output directory. You can still reference styles.css in your source files, though – when you use the supplied filter it will be automatically rewritten to the output filename on compilation:

compile '*' do
  filter :cache_buster


If you have any ideas or improvements for this gem, do share them on Github.

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